We recommend using SQL based backups and a backup of the SSL certificate as an alternative. If you are using SQL Merge Replication or Always on Availablity Groups, the Rapid Restore tool is not supported.
Use the tool to move from a SQL based farm configuration to WID or vice versa. Migrate from a SQL based configuration to WID and vice versa. Use the tool to quickly create an accurate copy of the production AD FS in a test environment, or to quickly deploy a validated test configuration to production. Deploy identical test and production environments. Use the tool to create a cold standby installation of AD FS that can be quickly deployed in place of the online AD FS server. Quickly restore AD FS functionality after a problem. The AD FS Rapid Restore tool can be used in the following scenarios: Then you can apply the exported data to a fresh AD FS installation, re-creating or duplicating the AD FS environment. You can use the new tool to export AD FS configuration either to Azure or to an on-premises location. The new AD FS Rapid Restore tool provides a way to restore AD FS data without requiring a full backup and restore of the operating system or system state.
Some organizations would like a way to have a single server AD FS deployment, eliminating the need for multiple AD FS servers and network load balancing infrastructure, while still having some assurance that service can be restored quickly if there is a problem. Today AD FS is made highly available by setting up an AD FS farm.